

Our experienced and vouched for accountants help our clients with anything from reporting your assets, liabilities and equity to creating financial statements of cashflow and comprehensive income. 

Any written services we provide including the financial reports are presented in a structural, professional and clear manner which you can use and provide to private and public bodies such as HMRC. 



A pen and a calculator laying on sheets on charts and graphs

Financial Statements

Financial Statements are often used in order to identify and evaluate a company's financial health and earnings potential. L&S Accounting can provide a series of financial statements for you and your company with an option of choosing however many you are in need of and in what order you want us to create these.

The following will explain to you what financial statements we provide and how will they benefit the understand of your business's finances. 

A picture of a group of hands showing thumbs up and graphs with figures in the background

Financial Position

The Statement of Financial Position consists of an assessment of liabilities, assets (company's assets or individual), the ownership.

Gold and silver coins in a tower on the table with a black background.

Cash Flows

The Statement of Cash Flows reports all of the operating, investing and financing activities.

Profit and Lose using wooden bricks with letters on

Comprehensive Income

The Statement of Comprehensive Income is where we calculate your weekly/monthly/annual Profits and Loses depending on the demand.

Towers of coins going up a ladder to a savings pot full of coins with a house at the top of it. An image showing us what you can achieve through saving.

Change in Equity

This Statement shows any changes in the company that have happened throughout the reporting period. 

Frequently Asked Questions